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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Economy Sucks

I was on a drive this weekend to the local mall, and it was mind boggling to see how many major retailers are going out of business - actually, the word is depressing. Then it hit me, the ultimate recession-proof job, Going Out Of Business Sale Human Sign Holders. Why didn't I consider this line of work earlier?

No matter how many more stores and companies tank, there will always be work for the sign holder. I can stand relatively straight, and my holding skills aren't bad either. From what I can tell, smiling is not a job requirement, so no worries there. Just a few minor tweaks to my resume and I should be ready to hit the pavement.

There wasn't a category on to find out how much I can get paid for this, but thinking at least a Happy Meal and a six pack.

Here's a little soundtrack music for the dire times.

MP3: Karate - Need a Job Alt Link

MP3: Dan Auerbach - Heartbroken, In Disrepair Alt Link

In happier news, Dan Auerbach from the Black Keys has released a solo album, and it's excellent (see track above). If you are a Black Keys fan it is a must have. If you aren't that means you probably haven't heard the Black Keys yet. What a transition.

Here's a link to Dan's myspace and the album details:
Buy Keep It Hid

He's coming to Boston on March 1 at Paradise Music Club.

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