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Monday, December 29, 2008

My Current Obsession: Weird Tapes

My New Year's resolution for 2009 is to try and blog more, which includes keeping my two readers up to speed of what is currently on infinite repeat on my Ipod.

Lately this honor belongs to Weird Tapes. Been listening to the two EPs released on the Weird Tapes blog non-stop for the last few days. I know slim to nothing about who is behind Weird Tapes, but am extremely excited for a full length release from him/her/them in 2009. Assuming this Cyndi Lauper obsessed beatmaker is also behind Memory Cassette, another set of interesting songs from the links between the two myspace pages and blogs etc.

Take a listen, then hit the blog for the full EP download

MP3: Weird Tapes - Party Trash Alt Link

1 comment:

Admin said...

Can you re-up this tune, or possibly email it to me please?