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Monday, December 29, 2008

Mistakes Happen, Sorry Dr. Dog!

So I made a big mistake in my Top 20 of 2008, and that was leaving off Dr. Dog's album Fate. To be honest, it wasn't until hearing a few of their other tracks on Sirius XMU's blog radio last week, I think it was My Old Kentucky Blog's end of year lists show, that I decided to pony up and buy the full album, and I'm really glad I did. This album would have easily made my Top 5 of 2008. Dare I say a little Beatle-esque?

MP3: Dr. Dog - The Beach Alt Link
Buy Fate


Anonymous said...

Yes... Thanks for posting... If others, like you, had listened to "Fate" by Dr. dog, in its entirety, or gone to see them Live, they would have been on these lists. They are the greatest bunch of guys and have worked hard and toured all year. Their live shows get rave reviews..yet, the big media bands get all of the accolades? Fans were so disappointed, as, these guys, have kept under the radar, yet, still did shows in some of these studios for radio, etc., even during their day to day shows and world tour, never complained about the comparisons to the old bands..even though they are great song writers/musicians in their own right and have turned down many media callings for big commercialism, in lieu of performing live for smaller venues, etc., because that's just who they are..Their style/dress/lo-fi recordings are just who they are... not done to promote a "style" or imitate anything from the past, like many of the other big hype bands that are now "imitating" their style, but, taking that to the streets/media for the attention... Any old Dr. Dog fans or MMJ would attest to that. The style they portray is just Dr. Dog and always has been. The ones who know this and appreciate it are the fans and the bands who have played with them over the years and know that they have been
innovative" by just, being, themselves and writing good music.

John Jay said...

Nice going GP. I'll have to take a listen!