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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Insipid Record Colleciton - The Dandy Warhols

A couple of weeks ago I had occasion to see The Dandy Warhols perform at The Wilbur Theatre here in Boston. The Wilbur Theatre is a firetrap of a playhouse now vying for a piece of the rock concert business mere blocks from the venerable Orpheum Theatre. I've seen hundreds of concerts at The Orpheum over the years, but this was my first Wilbur Theatre concert. There was a small snag with their liquor license, as in they don't have one just yet, so this turned out to be a dry concert. Not my first choice as an Irishman, but I dutifully paid my $5 for bottled water and settled in to my first row dead center mezzanine seat that I bought on my way in. In fairness, it was a Tuesday night and bands literally pour into the Boston market when the kids come back for school. I love this time of year. Anyway, the Wilbur does something I'm not so pumped about on the first floor with the seating. They pull the chairs like some dance club so there is no assigned seating. Even as a young whipper snapper I wasn't much for rushing the stage and getting trapped in a sea of humanity. No alcohol and mezzanine seats are usually a tough combination, but I had a blast at this show. There wasn't a sole blocking my view and I could see everything. As any red blooded American male is wont to do, my eyes were trained on Suicide Girl model Zia McCabe working the keyboards and other fun stuff. She was having fun it seemed to me. Sometimes bands go through the motions, but I didn't get that impression on this night. The Dandies are trippy, no doubt, and their CDs can be hit or miss, but I'm a big fan and Welcome To The Monkey House is their best album in my opinion. Dandy Warhols Come Down and 13 Tales From Urban Bohemia might get some votes, but this CD is their most complete. I've successfully recommended this CD to one of my old high school buddies who lives in Jacksonville, FL and he took to it right away. That is not easy. I have had some trouble getting him to listen to many of the records I recommend because he's got no point of reference and listening to new music takes work. Amazingly, not everybody has the patience for that plus Jacksonville is not exactly a musical hotbed unless you count Molly Hatchet. Don't laugh. Ahhh, Gator Country...

Radio is flat useless for promoting anything off the beaten path these days and if you aren't combing the trade rags for Indie reviews or different music you'll just have to be content to buy the new U2 and make the dreaded conversion to talk radio. Honestly, is anything more mundane? ZZZZZZZZ. I'd rather have a book read to me than listen to Johnny Moron pontificate (note to self...YOU are Johnny Moron) about anything because he or she has too much time on his hands. Bands like the Dandy Warhols have MySpace, touring and college radio at best to make a name for themselves. It's a massive struggle. Well, I'm here to tell you this CD is a blast. The Dandies hail from Portland, Oregon and count The Beatles and My Bloody Valentine as a couple of their influences. I must have listened to this CD 200 times since I bought it in 2003 and every time I dust it off I get a big kick out of it. Consider adding it to your collection. I'm leaving you with I Am Over It. Go see these folks play. It's a lot of fun.

The Dandy Warhols - I Am Over It.mp3

The Dandy Warhols - I Am Over It.mp3 YSI

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