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Friday, October 24, 2008

For Those About To Read...We Salute You

I want to share something with rock fans. Forget Rolling Stone, Spin, Creem, and all the other rock magazines out there. Nothing gives you more bang for your buck than Classic Rock Magazine. I happened to be waiting on a doctor's appointment last Fall when I stumbled across this magazine in a Borders book store while killing time. It was so jam packed with awesome information I nearly subscribed to it on the spot. It is published in the UK and it has a different slant on charts and history, but the best thing about it is that there are absolutely no politics mixed in with the rock journalism. I've read and or subscribed to all of the above magazines and this is my favorite by far. It covers the last five decades of Classic Rock in its many forms and comes with a free CD each month that introduces new music as an added bonus. It's only a ten year old magazine, but it's worth the investment for my money.

I risk the wrath of The Panther if I veer too far off the Indie path, but I am in love with this magazine. It's an extremely well written magazine with an international perspective. Of course they revere English bands, but I'm more than OK with that. Classic Rock also keeps on top of the US market very well so you are not sacrificing anything. It covers both new and old bands, obituaries of little known but well received musicians, has scores of reviews that have educated me on up and coming acts plus it has a ton of where are they now articles. It takes me hours to get through each issue and it never fails to turn me onto an old song or CD I never knew I needed. I love that. Anyway, if you are fans of both the Arcade Fire & AC/DC, The Twilight Sad & Simple Minds, LCD Soundsystem & Moby and or Bright Eyes & Joni Mitchell this will feed your Classic Rock head. I promise. I couldn't recommend it more enthusiastically.

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