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Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Insipid Record Collection - Killing Joke

I have to tell you, I've got a list a mile long on songs and bands I'd like to post about. I can be just about to open up the Panther dashboard and peak behind the curtain to actually post and I will change my mind at the last second. Barring a the way I spared you my thoughts after seeing The Allman Brothers Band and Widespread Panic for the umpteenth time as well as a great performance by one time icon & legendary Humble Pie guitarist Peter Frampton last can thank me later I suppose...I usually just grab what is on my mind at the very last second and start typing. I'm sure you can probably tell huh? It's part of my charm, admit it...

I want to say that I know very well many of you like this group of artists and not that group, but I Get Around more than The Beach Boys. I'm sure you are out there making fun of some of my choices, but so be it. I know the PR folks would rather I write about today's hot new bands, and maybe one day soon I'll be back on that charter, but for now that is The Giant Panther's domain. Send your cards and letters to....Oh whatever Nevermind. I came of listening age in the 70's and that will never change. For instance I was thinking about doing a greatest live album ever post, speaking of Peter Frampton, but I know I'd have a tough time convincing the lot of you that records like Little Feat's Waiting For Columbus, The Who's Live at Leeds, The Allman Brother's Live at Fillmore East, The Band's Rock of Ages, The Grateful Dead's Live Europe '72, Lou Reed's Rock 'N' Roll Animal, Thin Lizzy's Live and Dangerous, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young's 4 Way Street, James Brown's Live at The Apollo, Nirvana's MTV Unplugged, David Bowie's Stage, The Talking Heads' The Name of The Band is... or Johnny Cash Live at Folsom Prison belong in the discussion. I'm old and chances are you're not. I get that. I never really even liked live albums. You had to be there it seems most of the time. Kind of surprising for someone with as many concerts under his belt as yours truly, but Whoomp! There It Is. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm just bursting with songs I want to share and ideas to discuss so stay tuned. You might not like everything, but there is almost no one I can't pass along something to eventually. It might take a while, but be patient. I'm not afraid to post about anything.

Today's choice of bands is Killing Joke. I was talking about Industrial Rock a while back in my Ministry post (hey, where you going?) and I have to tell you there are several bands that I was a late bloomer on. I have been enjoying some Skinny Puppy and some Red Lorry Yellow Lorry lately. I didn't even buy some of the Killing Joke CDs until about twenty years after they were released. I was reading somewhere about this band, I'm thinking it was an article about Dave Grohl's taste in music (but don't quote me), and he mentioned this Killing Joke record. I just love it when I score a GREAT song that I completely missed the boat on when it was a "hit." Thanks Dave. Better late than never I figure. No wonder I'm posting about records that are 20 plus years old huh? Anyway, Killing Joke are from Notting Hill in the UK there is little doubt these guys influenced Nirvana, Ministry, Primus, Tool, Jane's Addiction, Soundgarden, The Foo Fighters, Nine Inch Nails and or Faith No More to name just a few. The Joke were an in your face inflammatory act with several dust ups with the press among its credits. I wouldn't go so far as to lump them in with occultists, but they had a Jimmy Page like interest in Aleister Crowley. Black magic and Rock & Roll have always been a good mix no?...

I have never seen Killing Joke perform, but I'm told it can be riveting. They are still performing, mostly overseas, but I haven't followed them much. They have 13 studio records in their catalogue, but I'm not an expert on their contents. What I can tell you is the very first track off of their very first record in 1980 was brilliant. I don't know if they ever quite matched it to be honest, though some of you may remember the track "Eighties" or "Love Like Blood" or "Night Time" from their 1985 hit record Night Time. All I know is that "Requiem" is one great tune. Hopefully I can turn someone onto it for the very first time Right Here, Right Now. Wow, a Jesus Jones reference right on your computer screen...were they ever cool?...I bought their record of course...

Killing Joke - Requiem.mp3

Killing Joke - Requiem.mp3 YSI

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love Killing Joke and all their albums, acctually my favorite band of all times, the later material is superb as well, they still got a mighty thunder.