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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cover: Cloudbusting

John always does the fun posts on covers, one hit wonders etc, thought I would take a stab at it. This is a cover of Kate Bush's Cloudbusting by Wild Nothing aka Jack Tatum. The cover stays relatively true to the original, and fits nicely with Wild Nothing's minimalistic, dark style, similar to something you would hear from the Italians Do It Better label (Glass Candy, Chromatics etc).

The other cool thing about a cover like this, is that it potentially opens the door to younger listeners who might not be aware just how great Kate Bush is. It's no surprise that many have paid homage to her, one of the most popular of which was probably the Chromatics cover of Running Up That Hill.

I don't know much about Wild Nothing, but I'm digging what I've heard on his Myspace page.

MP3: Wild Nothing - Cloudbusting
Alt Link

Wild Nothing's Myspace

MP3: Kate Bush - Cloudbusting
Alt Link

1 comment:

John Jay said...

Hey GP, nice find here. Very easy on the ears. I'll have to postpone my inevitable Kate Bush post for now, but it was worth it. This cover is fully and spacier than the original, but it's dead on. I like it too.