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Monday, June 08, 2009

Contest: Passion Pit Album Giveaway

I have a few copies of Passion Pit's new album "Manners" to give away. Please post a comment on your favorite Boston area band of all time, and your email address.

I'll plug the entries into the Giant Panther Randomizerbot 2000. For those that aren't aware of this machine's capabilities, it utilizes the latest in roto girder, ball bearings, and gauze pad technology to pick a few winners.

The Giant Panther Randomizerbot 2000 hard at work

Here is Passion Pit's tour schedule, haven't seen them live before but looking forward to the Paradise show:

6/03 Austin, TX Emo’s

6/04 Houston, TX Warehouse Live

6/05 Baton Rouge, LA Spanish Moon

6/06 Atlanta, GA The Drunken Unicorn

6/08 Richmond, VA The National

6/09 Washington, DC Black Cat

6/11 Manchester, TN Bonnaroo

6/13 Covington, KY Mad Hatter

6/14 Chicago, IL Empty Bottle (SOLD OUT)

6/17 Buffalo, NY Mohawk Place

6/18 Boston, MA Paradise

6/19 New York, NY Bowery Ballroom

6/20 New York, NY Bowery Ballroom

8/09 Chicago, IL Lollapalooza


DB said...

Hmm... much as I'd love to say something not totally unoriginal, the Pixies will always remain my favorite band from Boston.

dbbc148 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Morphine rocks