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Thursday, January 15, 2009

One Track Mind - The Northern Pikes

I just can't help myself. I love the Way Back Machine! Sherman and Mr Peabody haven't got anything on me. I feel like I'm using that thing everyday these days. If that reference went whistling over your head don't worry about it. Cartoons from the 60's and 70's were my specialty once upon a time. Thank god I have graduated to more respectable fare like The Simpsons, King of The Hill, and The Family Guy huh? I'm all grown up now...yeah right...

Regarding this blog, I struggle to stay current. I absolutely love posting here (thank you GP!), but I feel like I have so many lost classics to get to and every time I look at the release year I feel like Father Time. It's an incredible feeling. I'm not that old! If I didn't have anything else to do I could post three times a day no problem. I have ideas at the gym, at the pizza place and while I'm reading the sports page. We don't get too many comments here at The Giant Panther, but we know people are checking us out. I just hope somebody is enjoying the yesteryear posts I've been throwing at you. Maybe when my entire CD collection is digitized a year from now I won't be so nostalgic. Then again who am I kidding? Folks in my age bracket don't read the Internet blogs like younger music fans do. The younger fans might find my alternative "oldies" fixation antiquated, but I'm trying not to be pedantic. I love the music of today (I'm listening to and digging a band called N.E.R.D. as we speak...oops, just moved on to Ladytron...the GP keeps me hopping even though I'm hopelessly behind in my listening to current Indie music). It's just that I can't leave it alone when I think a song was ignored in its day and is buried beyond words today. I love trying to resurrect them. You don't have to tell me it's completely fruitless. I already know that. It's just that a poor record label can really bury an artist and today we can all be promoters even if the band hasn't spoken or recorded in decades. It's fun! If you are patient with me I'll have it all out of my system in a couple of months...promise (not)...I could do this for another couple of years and never table everything.

As it pertains to this blog The Giant Panther is basically responsible for today. I feel like I'm basically responsible for yesterday. By rights it should be an excellent match, but only the readers know for certain. I was trolling through the "N's" the other day and came across yet another out of print special by The Northern Pikes. I popped in the CD and it all came rushing back to me. In 1987 I was buying everything in sight and I was playing this one a lot back then. The name of the record is called Big Blue Sky and the song I'm sharing today is called Things I Do For Money. These guys hail from Canada and their sound is spacey and expansive to me. It feels like it comes from the great white north. I hope this rings a bell with at least one reader. If it does my work is done. I haven't followed them since to be honest, but they apparently reformed in 1999 and their web site is current. Big Blue Sky was a real sleeper back then and it still sounds good today. Please consider buying the CD the way I did if you can find it. And by all means go see them if they come around. They were good! Enjoy.

The Northern Pikes - Things I Do For Money.mp3

The Northern Pikes - Things I Do For Money.mp3 YSI


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. I saw the Northern Pikes with Peter Himmelman when this came out and both were unknowns. Great show and I became a fan of both acts. "Snow in June" remains one of my secret pleasures, especially She Ain't Pretty. First time I've seen the Pikes come up on the blogs.

Anonymous said...

You can only skin a cat once, but you can always count birds in the bush!