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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thriller 25th Anniversary: Say It Ain't So Q!

I somehow came across the new Michael Jackson Thriller 25th anniversary "super deluxe" album, and I just puked in my mouth a little bit. With remixes featuring artists who I'm sure will one day be know as some of music's all time greats like Fergie, WilliAm, Acorn?, and even Kanye taking a turn (sarcasm should be stressed), they have officially murdered one of the greatest albums of all time.

Man I really sound like on old, sour bastard right now, heck I have been known to bust out a Bill Cosby dance move or three to all the artists mentioned above, but cmon, has anybody ever heard Billie Jean and thought "Man, this song really needs to be remixed"??

I'm assuming Quincy Jones is responsible for this travesty? What does everybody have to say about this, am I the only one who thinks it's insanity?

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