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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Upcoming Show: Sunset Rubdown @ The Middle East, Sat Sept 23

This post really should have been reserved for an album review of Shut Up I Am Dreaming, Sunset Rubdown's latest, and really only polished release, but alas, I was yet a glimmer in the blogosphere's eyes when it was released. By far one of the most emotional and dynamic albums of 2006. You can play this front to back fifty times, and still find something new to hone in on with each listen.

Lead by Spencer Krug (also of Wolf Parade), Sunset Rubdown has put out a few low-fi EPs in the past, which I have to admit, weren't on the top of my playlist. And of course, they're from Canada. What are they putting in the water up there? If you're familiar with Wolf Parade, you've heard plenty of Spencer Krug already. Wolf Parade is one of my favorites from the first time I heard "I'll Believe In Anything", I was blown away.

Spencer Krug is a modern day Gary Numan (sans English Accent). Whether he's pounding on an organ or singing his ass off, any song that involves Spencer has a sound that is unmistakable. His songwriting is intelligent and full of imagery. From the crash of the first track, "Stadiums and Shrines II", lifting a proverbial skirt to the ceiling ties, revealing something hiding in each of us: "There's a kid in there, and he's big, and dumb, and he's kinda scared, and he's too old to be there, he's just looking for a ride."

I caught Sunset Rubdown earlier this year at TT The Bears, the atmosphere was strange. Nobody was dancing, nobody was talking, nobody was doing anything, except sitting there in amazement at what was happening on stage. To be honest I don't think Spencer and crew would have known the difference if there was a packed house, or just an empty wooden floor, they were completely engulfed in what they were collectively creating. Of course there was the occasional asshole screaming out "Play You Are A Runner!", which I'm sure pisses them off to no end, but for the most part, I think the crowd was just feeling lucky they were fortunate enough to know someone that tipped them off about this show. All talented musicians, the drummer and guitarist swapped instruments on almost every song, and they both impressed me equally.

Nothing quite sums up the energy and dynamics of a Sunset Rubdown performance like these two songs. From the first note struck on the keyboard, you can feel something building, and find yourself waiting for the barrier holding this music back to break and spill itself onto the crowd. Shut Up I Am Dreaming is highly recommended. I've included bonus tracks for reference, if you don't own Apologies To The Queen Mary by now, you should really re-evaluate your spending habits.

Grab Tix to the upcoming show at the Middle East in Cambridge, MA on Sat, Sept 23

MP3: Sunset Rubdown - Stadiums and Shrines II
Sunset Rubdown's Website
Buy Shut Up I Am Dreaming

MP3: Sunset Rubown - Shut Up I Am Dreaming Of Places Where Lovers Have Wings
Sunset Rubdown's Website
Buy Shut Up I Am Dreaming

Bonus MP3: Wolf Parade - I'll Believe In Anything
Wolf Parade's Myspace
Buy Apologies To The Queen Mary

Bonus MP3: Gary Numan - M.E.

Gary Numan's Website
Buy Pleasure Principal <-- Yes, "Cars" is on it! (An excellent album too)

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