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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Album Review: Mason Jennings, Bone Clouds

Mason Jennings is back, this time as the first artist signed to Isaac Brock's label, Glacial Pace. This is what I would expect from Mason's first major label release. Definitely more of a produced work than previous albums, featuring much more instrumentation than past albums. I found a documentary while cruising On-Demand a while back called Use Your Van, where Mason talked about writing most songs on his piano, so it's a pleasant surprise to hear much more piano on Bone Clouds. To be honest, you could pretty much stick a mic up to Mason playing an old radiator like an accordion and I'd still love it. I've been listening to Mason Jennings for a long time, seen him live at least three times, and he never disappoints.

There is something very familiar about Mason Jennings, comparisons have been made to Jack Johnson, due to his laid back style and warm vocals. While there are some similarities, there is something much more lurking behind the lazy summer sound. Introspective lyrics that everybody can relate to at some point in their lives, and a deceivingly simple delivery reminiscent of Mr. Zimmerman, it's a privilege to look at life through the eyes of someone as perceptive as Mason Jennings.

Mason's 2004 LP Use Your Voice is one of my all time favorites. While Use Your Voice was more of an exploration inward, Bone Clouds looks outward, towards starting a family, and life-long relationships. The closest track to old Mason on Bone Clouds is "Jackson Square", romping through an acoustic singalong.

Mason Jennings is coming to Avalon in Boston on Sat, Sept 16, definitely a show to check out, get tix here, just make sure you exit by ten so club night isn't delayed. If you don't take my word on Bone Clouds, here's what Isaac had to say: "I just heard some of the new songs Mason is recording in Minnesota for Glacial Pace and am thinking that even if this was the only thing that Glacial Pace released, how I am just so goddamned proud to play a part in the release of this record. I hope that every time a record comes out on Glacial Pace I feel this good about it. " - from top-40

MP3: Mason Jennings - Gentlest Hammer
Mason Jennings' Website
Buy Bone Clouds

MP3: Mason Jennings - Jackson Square
Mason Jennings' Website
Buy Bone Clouds

Bonus MP3: Mason Jennings - Southern Cross
Mason Jennings' Website
Buy Use Your Voice

1 comment:

Above the City said...

Cool music blog. Good tastes.

Love the song California Part 1. Love it even more in this little clip.

Keep on keepin' on Mason.