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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Upcoming Boston Shows Pt. 1

Since I just added a nifty tourfilter button in my sidebar that will post all my favorite upcoming shows in the Boston area, (thanks Chris!), I'm going to feature a few bands that are coming to Beantown this summer.

Midlake & Sound Team: TT The Bear's Place, Cambridge, MA, July 26
TT's is a great place to see a show: it's small, you can get as close as you want to the stage (bring ear plugs), and if you need a breather, you can escape to the opposite side of the bar for a drink.
I'd been planning on hitting this show up because I've been listening to Midlake non-stop, and hadn't paid much attention to the other appearing act, Sound Team (Cold War Kids also appearing). That was before I got a hold of their album "Movie Monster". Another band out of Austin, which this year seems to be the new Montreal for my music source. Movie Monster got hammered by Pitchfork recently, and I'm not sure why, other than to piss of bloggers everywhere.
I've never seen either of these bands live, but am expecting good things out of Sound Team. Their new album "Movie Monster" is very new wave (shouldn't it be new-new wave?) at times high energy wailing, and at others shows a darker side. Thanks to the wild side of Movie Monster, it never quite lets itself fall into the "Bands that sound like Interpol" bin, which is it's best asset (nothing against Interpol, just don't need another sounds like Interpol). Check out the recital part of Sound Team's website, fun.
OK, I spent too much time writing about Sound Team, and forgot Midlake. I've already posted on them, you'll have to settle for that. Still my favorite album so far this year.
Bonus: Midlake's Young Bride Video:

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