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Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Acorn: Not Just For Squirrels

The Acorn hail out of Ottawa, and that's pretty much all I can tell you. I came across their music at GVB one day, and tucked them away in my itunes among 180 GBs worth of music. Sometimes you just aren't paying enough attention when listening to a song for the first time. "Sent (Awake the Kraken)" came up on shuffle today, and I says to myself I says, "Who are these guys?" I'm still wondering that, but enjoying their music nonetheless. If you like Midlake, you'll probably like The Acorn. Good luck finding a place to buy the mp3s, but you can order the albums here.

Their 2005 EP Blankets is excellent, a little more acoustic than their LP The Pink Ghosts, which has a few instrumentals as well. Download two more tunes on their myspace page, and grab a free live set at The Acorn's old website.

MP3: The Acorn - Sent (Awake The Kraken)
The Acorn's MySpace

Buy Blankets

MP3: The Acorn - Plates & Saucers
Buy Blankets

MP3: The Acorn - Evidence
Buy The Pink Ghosts <- Temporarily Sold Out??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good stuff Panther - good stuff.